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How we 

Planting millions of trees. Creating big lungs of green areas. Reclaiming desert land and dry soils. Cleaning the air and producing clean electricity and second-generation biofuels reduce fossil fuel use. 

Producing second-generation Biodiesel and reducing the use of fossil fuels

20 years of success in refineries, petrochemicals, bio-energy, high end technologies and investments.

This experience is underpinned by highly regarded qualifications in all phases of energy, oil, and gas production.

Experience is work and cooperation in the largest European refinery and petrochemical companies. Creating from scratch the biofuel industry in Central and Eastern Europe together with developing quality standards for biofuels.


The directors and management bring combined and complementary senior corporate talents
gained from considerable successful global Commercial experience in the key leadership areas of finance, legal, professional services, property facilities and land management, scientific technology research, manufacturing, and human capital. Above all, we wish to maintain our reputation of acting at all times with complete integrity in strong cooperative working relationships while enjoying the challenges and creating a win-win solution for all parties involved

Yuval Rozanski

CEO co founder

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As the former director and co-founder of Reserve Electronics Ltd., I proved my capabilities through extensive work and rich experience obtaining the leading companies and supplying technologies to the most significant clients. Reserve Electronics specialized in providing top-hand technologies and hard-to-find equipment, and the dedicated work was rewarded with favorable feedback and appreciation from the authorities, ministries, and esteemed clients such as Motorola, Intel, Cisco, the Air Force, the Israeli Electric Company, Elbit, Mobileye, various institutions, municipalities, hospitals, and more.

In 2011, I sold the technology company. I decided to merge technologies and innovations into investments and contribute positively to the planet and society, focusing on sustainable and profitable global projects. With my expertise in understanding technologies, solutions, company management, programming/database, and stock market investments spanning over 25 years, I sought to create a high social impact combined with a robust business model. I also utilized my command to build loyal beneficial relationships with the authorities, ministries, banks, organizations, the local community, and company directors, gaining and preserving the most reputable partners and clients.

Motivated by a strong sense of responsibility towards the environment, society, and global well-being, It is proud to be an equal partner with the state of Israel in elite pioneer energy trees genetics and agrotechnical practices. Together we have planted the first carbon plantation in Israel, which present the ideal model of smart carbon plantation in arid climate conditions and degraded land, generates high social impact, and performs land reclamation, reforestation, and agricultural use of degraded land, absorbing vast quantities of CO2 and GHG gases, combating desertification, and contributing to the fight against climate change.

Marek Martyniak

Head of Technical department - Co founder 

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PhD (Chemical Technology), MBA, MEng (Petroleum Engineering)
Marek Martyniak studied at the University of Science & Technology in Kraków, Poland in the faculty of Drilling, Oil Gas and obtained a Master's in Engineering. Marek then studied in the faculty of Fuel & Energy to obtain his PhD in Chemical Technology. Whilst working in the
petrochemical industry he obtained his MBA at Poznań University of Economics in conjunction with The Nottingham Trent University.
Marek has more than fifteen years of executive management experience in crude oil distillation fuel production and in the process construction of a biofuel plant, firstly as Production Director at PKN Orlen’s Trzebinia Refinery and then in J&S Energy (Mercuria Energy Group)
as Operations Director for Biofuel, Bioenergy Fuel. He then specialized in the manufacture of biofuel and oleochemical products including propylene glycol, epichlorohydrin, and acrylic acid obtained from raw glycerine, stearine, and fatty alcohols.
His operational experience was gained in Poland, Australia, Austria, and Germany and includes the provision of professional consulting advice to companies in Russia, Brazil, and China.
Marek is a world-leading expert in refinery and petrochemical technology, and processes in the biofuel and green energy sectors. He also has detailed knowledge of exploration production sources in the USA, Canada, South East Asia, and Europe as well as trading in the wholesale retail global markets.

Prof. Yehuda Kahane

Senior advisor & member of the board

Yehuda Kahane - Wikipedia

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Prof. (Emeritus) Yehuda Kahane

Prof. Yehuda Kahane is a Fellow (and a member of the executive board) of the World Academy of Arts and Science (WAAS). Laureate of the 2011 prestigious Insurance Founders Award, by the International Insurance Society (for his contribution to the theory, practice and education in risk management and insurance in the world). At that year he was also awarded for his life time achievements by the Israeli insurance industry.


He is a Professor (Emeritus) of Coller Business and the Porter School of Environmental Studies, and headed until recently the Institute for Business and the Environment at Tel-Aviv University. He was the founding dean of the first academic school of insurance in Israel. For about two decades he directed the Erhard Insurance Center at Tel Aviv University. During almost 5 decades he taught in many universities around the world (Including the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, the U. of Florida, U. of Toronto, The Wharton School of the U. of Pennsylvania, the U. of Texas (Austin), and others). All his degrees are from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem: BA (economics and statistics), MA (business), Ph.D. (finance). He is life and general insurance actuary (Fellow of the Israel Actuarial Assoc., The International Actuarial Assoc. and others).

Version 2.0 of the e-book  Risk Management  for Individuals and Enterprises (co-authored with Profs. Baranoff and Brocket), has recently been published by FlatWorld and Boston Academics (February 2019).

During the last two decades he focuses on environmental and social issues. At the beginning of his career he worked also on Technological Forecasting, Operations Research and Information technology.

Prof. Kahane has a rich business experience. He is an active entrepreneur and investor in a large variety of innovative technologies and has owned technological incubators (each having about 30 start-up companies). He is a co-founder & board member of Ituran Location and Control Ltd. (Nasdaq's ITRN), and Capital Point Ltd. (TASE:  CPTP), as well as other innovative private companies. He chairs the YKCenter focusing on the area of social innovation and environmental impact investments.

He Chairs the association of the visually impaired people in Herzlia and Sharon, and is a board member of the umbrella organization for the visually impaired in Israel. In January 2019 he was elected to be the chairperson of Israel-Brazil Chamber of Commerce.

Ms. Galit Palzur

Advisor & member of the board

Economist, specializing in Corporate Risk Management of Natural Disasters

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Ms. Galit Palzur is an economist, specializing in business and policy-oriented environmental economics, climate finance and the risk management of natural disasters, extreme events, sustainability, and climate change. She advises, mentors and accompanies private and public bodies, internationally, in her fields of expertise and sits on the Board of the Israeli Energy Forum, which promotes the transition of Israel to a renewable energy-based, energy-efficient economy and on the Board of Forum Dvorah, a non-profit organization promoting women in the fields of national security and foreign policy.

Ms. Palzur previously served in several senior economic positions in the public sector: She was the Director of the Economics and Standards Division and Price Control Regulator at the Israeli Ministry of Environmental Protection, and the Manager of the National Budget for the fields of Agriculture, Environment and Tourism at the Budgets Division at the Israeli Ministry of Finance. She has over a decade of experience as a member of several Board of Directors of government-held companies, funds and statutory entities and was also a Chair of the Bureau of the OECD Working Party on Climate, Investment and Development (WPCID). She was a member of Israel’s negotiating team at the UNFCCC and Israel’s representative and is currently considered one of Israel’s leading experts and a thought-leader on finance and climate, especially regarding carbon pricing, adaptation financing, and the incorporation of climate-related risks (physical and transitional) into practice by different entities. 

From the media:

Mr. Oren Helman

Member of KESSLER Advisory Board

Former Senior Vice President - IEC - Israel Electric Corporation &

Acting Chairman of the Israeli Coal Company

Oren Hellman - Wikipedia


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Former Senior Vice President for Customer Service (retail), Marketing and Regulation at the Israeli Electric corporation.

Adviser to ministers and authorities, director and member of the board 

Manages the field of regulation, ESG,
and the Investor Relations (IR) unit.

Manages the customer service division - B2B & B2C, which is responsible, among other things, for the customer experience, as well as for the retail activity of IEC:
Call centers - 103,
The customer debts collection system of IEC, which collects more than NIS 20 billion every year,
The public reception branches,
Client case managers (B2B),
System of public inquiries.
Established the digital transformation system
And also the data and analytics unit of the service system.
Including innovation in the areas of customer service in electricity, collection and more.

Was responsible for the communications department, which includes spokespersons, social networks, the advertising department, branding and marketing, community relations and the visitor center.

4.5 years: Acting-Chairman of board of the Israeli Coal Company & Chairman of the Audit committee for the board of directors, Out of 9 years of membership on the board

Voluntarily (Life Mission...): Founder of the Facebook page Equal Chance - SICUY SHAVEH - for including people with disabilities at the workforce, and very active in the field.

Mr. Eldad Waxman

Member of KESSLER Management Board

Former Senior Vice President - Ashdod port

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International expert in operations and security. Marine, seaports, logistics, aviation

Former Senior Vice President for Port Operations, terminals & Marine – Ashdod Port


Ashdod Port Company - Senior Vice President   2006 – 2015 

•         Managed and maintained about   1200   employees in the workforce.

•         Annual Financial Turnover of about   450.000.000 USD

•         Daily handling with government and key organizations such as - the Ministry of Transport, Israeli Customs Authority, Israel Defense Force, and Israel Department of Defense. 

•         Major customers: Manufacturers Associations of Israel, chamber of Commerce, Ship Agents, Treasury office, Customs Clearing agents & Forwarders, Other major Port Authorities, Depots, Trucking Companies, Railway Authority, Israel Police Department, Oil & Gas Companies, Marine Services companies, Shipping Companies, Importers & exporters.

•         Position's Responsibility: Marine Department:  Harbor master, Pilot station, a fleet of Tugboats & service boats; Operations Department - General Cargo operations and special projects; Container Department - moving 1.1 million TEU per year; Emergency & Safety Department - in charge of work safety and handling of dangerous materials. Bulk Department – Exporting   3.5 million TONS   per year

Ms. Ettie Cohen-Litant

Member of KESSLER Management Board

Former Chief Executive Officer, Bir al-Maksur Local Council

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A versatile executive with over 20 years of international experience in management, entrepreneurship, strategy, business and economic development, partnership and fundraising.

Ministry of Israel and KESSLER CARBON PLANTATIONS.png


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