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תמונת הסופר/תYuval Rozanski

KESSLER Pongamia oil - Safe and chlorine-free

Currently, the problem of chlorine content in processed raw materials, as well as in the process of producing finished fuels, is becoming one of the most critical problems to solve. This is related not only to emissions generated during the combustion of such fuels but also to the problems associated with the production and impact of chlorine on the elements of the production process.

Obtaining large quantities of quality-stable biomass creates many different types of difficulties. Agricultural biomass, compared to forest biomass, is characterized by a higher content of chlorine and alkaline elements (Ca, K, Na), and during the operation of, for example, power boilers, there is a risk of chlorine and chloride corrosion, and during combustion, hydrogen chloride, a highly toxic and corrosive gas, is produced. However, chlorine and hydrogen chloride cause corrosive processes and are responsible for the formation of chlorinated dioxins - compounds of the highest toxicity, which threaten living organisms.

So, our research and development program included testing chlorine in our varieties, specifically in which fruit products or in which part of the tree has the highest content. We do not hide that at the beginning, we had concerns about whether the chlorine content would not spoil such excellent parameters of our oil for producing advanced biofuels. What were these concerns related to - first of all, the quality of the soil on which our plantation was established (degraded desert area), also poor quality water could be a source of chlorine, and above all, as is well known, Israel lies between the saltiest place on earth (the Dead Sea) and the Mediterranean Sea. 

The research program analyzed KESSLER's Pongamia oil, shells, and cake. The aim of this stage was to obtain answers, among others, to the question of how powerful our genetic variety is and whether we can be calm about the quality of our products. Every customer currently asks many questions regarding product specifications, and the question about chlorine content is one of the main questions. 

We have conducted a series of tests on several samples of our oil, and thanks to this, we now have a confirmed and verified result. The chlorine content in Pongamia oil from our genetic variety cultivated in extreme soil and environmental conditions does not occur.

Our oil is safe for advanced biofuel production processes and is free of chlorine!

This achievement stems from expertly developed cultivation techniques in challenging environments and an exceptionally robust genetic variety.

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